Now one more item girl comes in bollywood celeb. Bollywood celeb Beauty Rani Mukherjee for the first time in her career will be doing an item number Sajid Khan’s film Housefull 2. The song is said to be choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant (judge the dance reality show Just Dance). Recently, she has given a hard-hitting performance in her last movie 'No One Killed Jessica' and now she is gearing up for some matkas and jhatkas in the Housefull sequel. She will soon be seen Reema Kagti’s next film opposite 3 Idiots movie star Aamir Khan. Rani plays a sex worker in the film. Checkout here
Rani Mukherjee Item Girl for Housefull 2 & Rani Mukherjee hot item number song for Housefull 2 movie.
Rani Mukherjee Item Number Song for Housefull 2